Chhath Puja 2021: How to celebrate the festival at home amid COVID-19?

Chhath Puja is a festival dedicated to Lord Surya Dev or Surya Dev and Chhathi Maiya. The festival is mostly celebrated in India in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, where Hindu devotees observe a fast and offer fruits, flowers and dishes. Taking a dip in the reservoir and fasting are some of the major rituals of the occasion. Today, on the third day of the festival, devotees will worship the setting sun.

Reading: Happy Chhath Puja 2021: Images, Wishes, Quotes, Messages and WhatsApp Wishes to share with your loved ones

During Chhath Puja, the women of the family observe a fast and perform rituals as part of the puja for the prosperity of the family and the well being of their children.

Chhath Puja is a festival dedicated to Lord Surya Dev or Surya Dev and Chhathi Maiya. (Representational image: Shutterstock)

Given that the coronavirus is still very much present, one must remember to celebrate the occasion responsibly. Here are some ways in which you can celebrate Chhath Puja this year and also ensure that people around you stay safe:

Avoid crowded places

It would be better if you keep a distance from the crowd during this festival as it increases the chances of contracting the virus. You can consider arranging the puja supplies a few days in advance if you want to avoid last minute purchases that will involve the most crowds.

Follow pandemic prevention protocols

Even if you have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccination, you should follow basic safety protocols in public. Wear a face mask and follow the rules of social distancing. You can also take a hand sanitiser when you are in public and clean your hands frequently.

follow a healthy diet

Maintaining your immunity amid the pandemic should be a priority. If you are planning to observe a fast during Chhath Puja, then you must follow a healthy diet. Include a variety of nutrients in your diet, from fruits, legumes to fiber-rich vegetables.

celebrate at home

You can celebrate Chhath Puja at home with your close friends and family members to reduce the chances of contracting COVID-19. This will make the celebration more secure and intimate.

Make festive food at home

If you are planning to make festive dishes this Chhath Puja, it would be advisable to avoid buying items from the market and preparing them yourself. You can take the help of elders in the house who know about most of the festive food recipes or take help of internet.

This way you can be sure that the food is prepared in a completely hygienic manner.

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