Child squeezes through White House fence. Here’s what the Secret Service did

A tiny intruder breaks through the White House fence

On Tuesday, a curious toddler slid through the bars of the iron fence surrounding the White House. The US Secret Service soon swung into action and they moved to the North Lawn to reunite the child with her parents on Pennsylvania Avenue. The parents were briefly questioned before they were allowed to continue on their way.

President Joe Biden was inside the executive mansion at the time of the security breach, BBC informed of.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said officers “encountered an inquisitive young visitor”.

“White House security systems immediately triggered Secret Service officers and the child and parents were quickly reunited,” Mr Guglielmi said in a statement.

A 3-year-old child may be the first to climb over the 13-foot-tall White House fence.

“We were about to wait until he learned to question him, but instead he got a timeout and was sent off.” [his] with his parents,” a Secret Service spokesman said, according to USA Today,