China defends its move to block India’s proposal to blacklist Asghar

New Delhi: China, which blocked a bid by India to designate Abdul Rauf Asghar, one of the masterminds of the 1998 IC 814 hijacking, as a global terrorist, said on Saturday that it has been accused of counter-terrorism. More time is needed to “carefully evaluate” the proposal. all forms. Asghar, brother of Pakistan-based JeM terrorist Masood Azhar, is accused of masterminding several terror attacks. India and US wanted Azhar to be declared an international terrorist In the United Nations Security Council, but China, a permanent veto-holder member and a close ally of Pakistan, blocked the move.

“China participates in the work of the Committees in a constructive and responsible manner in accordance with the Committee’s rules and procedures. Committee members may withhold terrorist designation lists, this is a common practice. The Chinese side needs more time for evaluation. And This will be done in accordance with relevant rules and procedures,” Chinese envoy Sun Weidong told reporters.

However, he added that “China stands ready to work with all countries of the world to combat the threat of international terrorism.”

Weidong claimed that China “strongly opposes” terrorism in all its forms.

The proposal to designate Asghar as an international terrorist was tabled by India and the US in the UN Security Council 1267 Sanctions Committee. India and the United States wanted Asghar to be designated a global terrorist and imposed a global travel ban and confiscate all his assets. The resolution required the consent of all members of the 15-member UNSC.

On 11 August, at least 14 members of the UNSC agreed to impose sanctions on Asghar, but China blocked the move. It was widely believed that China took this step as Pakistan is one of its close allies.

Earlier on Tuesday, India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ruchira Kamboj, pointed to China and said that the practice of blocking and blocking the listing of terrorist requests without justification should end.

Kamboj made these remarks during the UNSC debate on the threats caused by terrorist acts to international peace and security.

China has repeatedly UNSC withheld list of Pakistan-based terrorists under Al-Qaeda and ISIL Sanctions Committee. Earlier in June, India slammed China after it blocked a proposal to list terrorist Abdul Rehman Makki under the Sanctions Committee, also known as the UNSC 1267 Committee.