China optimizes visa application process for Indians, issues 1,800 student visas so far

Image Source: File Photo China had imposed a visa ban for more than 2 years due to the Kovid epidemic.

China has optimized the visa application process for Indians to visit the country for business, education and other priorities. The Chinese ambassador to India said that the country has resumed the process of visa applications for students pursuing long-term studies.

“So far, more than 1,800 visas have been issued to Indian students and we expect more and more exchange of visits between the two countries,” said Sun Weidong, Chinese Ambassador to India.

Earlier, India issued a detailed advisory on studies in Chinese medical schools as thousands of enrolled students are stuck at home amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Chinese visa ban has affected over 23,000 Indian students enrolled in various Chinese universities.

The Indian Embassy in Beijing had received several queries from prospective Indian students and their parents regarding seeking admission to undergraduate clinical medicine programs in China.

China said in July that the country had made progress in facilitating the return of Indian students and was working closely with relevant departments to see that the first batch of Indian students return to China to study at the earliest. Can you

The Embassy of India also shared a link to a study conducted by the National Board of Examinations, which revealed that out of 40,417 students who appeared for the FMG exam from 2015 to 2021, only 6,387 cleared it. “Studies show that out of 40,417 students who appeared for the FMG exam from 2015 to 2021, only 6,387 cleared it.

Read also: China lifts two-year Covid visa ban on Indians; To allow return of stranded professionals, families

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