China- share the dialogue program of communication, dialogue-transition- and the high level organs of India

Has been told to check for external

New Delhi:

After the meeting of Chinese President Xi Jinping with Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan in Beijing on January 6, China and Pakistan had mentioned Jammu and Kashmir in a joint statement. In response to the question of talks for the outdoors, it has been said that the strategy should be discussed in the ongoing Chinese and dialogue consultations on 06 February 2022.

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According to this way. We can also have a meeting in this meeting. With respect to the environment. We hope it works together with you.

Opposite of ‘Ek Saamana’ to solve crisis: Chinese

How do they get along in this type of environment, as is the way in which they are active. This also happens with similar changes in similar weather. Be completely safe this way.

Illegal illegal construction of China, wrongly mistreated
