China was uneasy with Pakistan under Imran Khan: Reports – Times of India

Islamabad: months later Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insafi chief Imran Khan As prime minister was ousted, Islamabad’s Foreign Office received a diplomatic cable from China saying it had offered to extend $2.3 billion at a very low interest rate that suggests Beijing Was not happy with the former PM.
On June 10, China offered an extension of $2.3 billion at a much lower interest rate.
Publications such as ‘Pakistan Daily’ and ‘The News International’ have leaked communications between the Beijing-based Pakistan The ambassador and the Foreign Office reported that the Chinese leadership expressed a desire to work more comfortably with the new prime minister. Shahbaz Sharif According to the Singapore Post report, because of his past experience with him when he was the Chief Minister of Punjab province.
But, it is not just one-sided dislike, Imran Khan was also found unfit as head of government by Chinese leaders. Because as PM Imran Khan was coming between China’s target CPEC Project and its implementation.
Notably, in 2015, when Nawaz Sharif was the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the CPEC was officially launched.
According to the publication, Khan was not happy with the China-led project from the start. The lack of transparency and the possibility of corruption that China could pursue through its CPEC projects, which would harm Pakistan and its interests, were the main concerns for Imran Khan.
And, this fear was clearly expressed by Abdul Razak Dawood, Imran Khan’s former advisor on commerce, textiles, industry and production and investment, in an interview with the London-based Financial Times on September 9, 2018.
Abdul Razak Dawood, an advisor to the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, said during his tenure, “The previous government did a poor job of negotiating the CPEC with China – they didn’t do their homework properly and didn’t negotiate properly, so they Gave a lot.” Interview with the Financial Times more than three years ago.
Dawood said, “Chinese companies got tax exemption, many breaks and they got undue advantage in Pakistan.
He further said that the Pakistan government led by Imran Khan will review or renegotiate the agreements signed under China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
However, after Dawood’s interview went viral, he issued a clarification on 10 September 2018, emphasizing that Pakistan’s commitment to the CPEC would not change. Even as it was a major U-turn on the part of Imran Khan’s advisor, the broad outline of Imran Khan government’s approach towards CPEC remained unchanged, according to the publication.
The CPEC authority, in a report published on April 11 after Imran Khan stepped down as prime minister, said that Pakistan could complete only three projects in Gwadar, while a dozen projects costing around $2 billion remained unfinished. Interestingly, the CPEC authority was created in 2019 by the then Prime Minister Imran Khan-led government to show China that Pakistan would accelerate the pace of CPEC-related activities.
Chinese officials are not only happy with the delay in the completion of CPEC projects, but have also expressed their dismay at Pakistan’s failure to prevent attacks on citizens of Beijing working in the South Asian country.
On 14 July 2021, 13 people, including nine Chinese engineers, were killed in an explosion on a bus in Pakistan’s western province of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Even though the dust of this massive explosion did not settle, Pakistan was shaken by the attack on Chinese citizens and interests. On August 20, 2021, a suicide attack in Gwadar killed at least two children and injured a Chinese national.