China’s Xi sworn in as new Hong Kong leader John Lee – Times of India

Hong Kong: Chinese President Xi Jinping Attended the swearing-in ceremony of Hong Kong’s new leader john lee On Friday the city marked the 25th anniversary of its return to Chinese rule, after being pulled under a much tighter Communist Party control in recent years.
Lee, a former security official who oversaw crackdown on dissent in the city since the 2019 pro-democracy protests, pledged to uphold the city’s mini-constitution, the Basic Law, and allegiance to Hong Kong. He also promised to be accountable to the central government in Beijing.
His inauguration was followed by an early morning flag hoisting ceremony, which was attended by outgoing city leader Lee. Carrie Llamo and several hundred other people. Xi, who is making his first voyage from the mainland in 2 1/2 years, was not present at the ceremony.
Upon his arrival on Thursday, Xi told well-wishers that Hong Kong has faced many challenges over the years and was “reborn from the ashes” with “vigorous vitality” in a clear sign for the 2019 pro-democracy protests, What was followed has turned an economic center known for political and civil liberties, which has taken widespread crackdown on dissent.
The flag-hoisting ceremony was held amid strong winds, and police officers carrying Chinese and Hong Kong flags marched into Golden Bauhinia Square for the ceremony with Chinese “goose-stepping” style instead of British-style marches. The guests stood attentively as the Chinese national anthem was played.
Xi last visited Hong Kong in 2017 for a July 1 ceremony, during which he warned that there would be no tolerance for any activity that threatens China’s sovereignty and stability.
Months of pro-democracy protests in 2019 were seen by China’s ruling Communist Party as a similar threat, and Xi in Thursday evening’s remarks praised Lam for ending the chaos in the city and for ensuring That only “patriots” would rule Hong Kong. ,
Since the protests, Beijing and Hong Kong officials drafted a national security law, which was then used to arrest a number of activists, media figures and pro-democracy; introduced a more “patriotic” curriculum in schools; and reformed election laws to keep opposition politicians out of the city’s legislature. The changes have decimated the voice of dissent in the city and prompted many to leave.