Chinese takeaway

This is the year when according to United Nations (UN) estimates, India will overtake China to become the most populous country in the world. Home to more than 1.4 billion people, the two are seen as roughly level. While we await a census, the Chinese population has already peaked, according to Beijing, which has reported about 850,000 fewer people at the end of 2022 than a year ago. China now stares at a long slide towards 770 million by 2100, according to UN data, its first decline since 1961, while India’s count is only projected to peak in 2064. Follow up with incentives for families to have children. In addition to tax exemption, some local administrations also provide cash assistance for the second or third child. Shenzhen reportedly has a stimulus package of more than $5,500 for a family of three children. The takeaway for India? Fertility-rate trends suggest a peak sooner than the UN forecasts. We should avoid all forms of interference with family size except to suggest an ideal, as has been our policy. However, a booming economy, like China, must also ensure that the Indian crowd is an asset.

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