Chingam 1 2023 Date: History, Rituals, Celebrations of Malayalam New Year and Onam Traditions in Kerala – News18

Curated By: Nibandh Vinod

Last Updated: August 16, 2023, 14:36 IST

Thiruvananthapuram [Trivandrum], India

Malayalam New Year 2023: People create intricate and colourful flower arrangements called pookkalam (flower carpets) in front of their homes to welcome King Mahabali. (Image: Shutterstock)

Malayalam New Year 2023: Chingam 1 marks the beginning of the harvest season in Kerala and is considered an auspicious day. This year it falls on August 17.

MALAYALAM NEW YEAR 2023: Chingam 1, also known as Chingam Month or Chingam Masam, is the first day of the traditional Malayalam calendar used in Kerala. Chingam 1 marks the beginning of the new Kolla Varsham, which is the Malayalam New Year. The specific date of Chingam 1 varies each year because the Malayalam calendar is based on the solar calendar system. This year it falls on August 17.

Onam symbolises the homecoming of the mythical demon king, Mahabali. (Image: Shutterstock)


Chingam 1 marks the beginning of the harvest season in Kerala and is considered an auspicious day. It is also the day when the mythical King Mahabali is believed to visit his kingdom, which brings about the celebration of Onam, one of the most important festivals in Kerala.

PHOTOS: Onam 2023: From Atham to Thiruvonam, a Visual Journey Through the 10 Days of Kerala’s Harvest Festival


  1. Pookkalam
    People create intricate and colourful flower arrangements called “pookkalam” (flower carpets) in front of their homes to welcome King Mahabali. Each day during the ten-day Onam festival, the pookkalam becomes more elaborate.
  2. Onam Sadya
    A grand traditional feast called “Onam Sadya” is prepared and served on banana leaves. It includes a variety of vegetarian dishes and is an integral part of the celebration.
  3. Pulikali
    In some regions, a unique folk art form called “Pulikali” is performed. Participants paint themselves like tigers and dance through the streets.
  4. Vallam Kali (Boat Race)
    Boat races are organized on this occasion, particularly the famous Nehru Trophy Boat Race held in Alappuzha.
  5. Traditional Attire
    People wear traditional Kerala attire, including white and gold-bordered sarees for women and white dhotis for men.
  6. Cultural Performances
    Various cultural programs, music, dance performances, and competitions are held during the festival.
  7. Processions
    Colourful processions featuring beautifully decorated elephants and traditional music are a common sight during Onam.


To celebrate Chingam 1 and the Onam festival:

  1. Decorate your Home
    Create a pookkalam using a variety of flowers and colours at the entrance of your home.
  2. Prepare Onam Sadya
    Cook or enjoy a traditional Onam Sadya with family and friends. Make sure to include a variety of vegetarian dishes.
  3. Wear Traditional Attire
    If possible, wear traditional Kerala clothing to immerse yourself in the festive spirit.
  4. Learn About Kerala Culture
    Take this opportunity to learn more about Kerala’s rich culture, history, and traditions.
  5. Participate in Local Celebrations
    If you’re in Kerala or have access to Kerala cultural events, join local celebrations, processions, and performances.