Cisco announces investment in dedicated India Webex infrastructure

Technology major Cisco said its telecom license will not be used to compete with telecom service providers, which are its biggest customers and partners, but it will help accelerate Webex adoption across the country. The company on Tuesday announced an investment in the dedicated India Webex infrastructure.

The company, which recently got its telecom license from the government, will not only work with telcos in rolling out commercial 5G networks, but is also in talks with larger conglomerates as well as service providers for private 5G networks. Is.

“We are a technology provider and we know how to make our partners successful with our technology. Service providers are both our biggest customers and our partners. No, we are not going to become (their) competitors,” said Cisco Daisy Chittilappilly, President of India and SAARC said.

“Actually, it could open up some very interesting go-to-market possibilities, and that’s where we’re going to be focusing a lot.. The regulations require us to be licensed,” Ms. Chittilapally he said.

He added that Cisco was seeing a rapid growth in users and getting the license would help the company provide lower latency and affordability thereby helping to open more markets in India.

The India Webex infrastructure includes a dedicated data center, and is backed by Cisco Secure products and solutions, to ensure best-in-class data privacy and security, the company said in a statement. Cisco said it will be able to offer India-specific pricing for customers, reducing costs by more than 50%. This will allow the company to partner with more start-ups, customers, partners and service providers in India and bring new innovations to market faster.