Citing COVID-19 restrictions, JK officials bar PDP from holding youth convention

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Citing COVID-19 restrictions, JK officials bar PDP from holding youth convention

Officials on Sunday barred the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) from holding a youth convention here citing COVID-19 restrictions, with party chief Mehbooba Mufti calling the move a “sabotage”. The convention of the party’s youth wing was scheduled to be held at the PDP president’s ‘Fairview’ residence on Gupkar Road here. However, all the roads leading to the venue were sealed by the police and no movement was allowed on the road. Journalists were also barred from going towards the venue.

A PDP spokesperson claimed that Mufti was placed under house arrest. However, there was no official confirmation. In an order, the Executive Magistrate, First Class, South Srinagar, in view of the report received from the Senior Superintendent of Police and the COVID-19 restrictions in place, said, “It is hereby ordered that the scheduled youth conference which is organized by the PDP at Gupkar is not allowed to happen. “The Magistrate directed the Station House Officer concerned to “ensure” that no such incident takes place “without the permission of the Competent Authority”.

PDP spokesperson Najam-us-Saqib said party workers were stopped from going towards Mufti’s residence. The spokesperson said that after the conference at Mufti’s residence was foiled, the party tried to hold it at its headquarters near Sher-e-Kashmir Park here, but the administration also sealed the office. House arrest.

In a video message posted on his party’s Twitter handle, Mufti termed the move by the officials as a “sabotage”. “I wanted to talk to the youth associated with my party. Now they (officers) remember Covid and sabotage the incident,” she alleged. The former chief minister of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir alleged that the government was looking for new ways to “denigrate rights” to the youth of Kashmir and “turn them away from democracy and push them to the path of violence”.

“So that it is easy for them to harass them or throw them in jail. This is what they have been doing for the last three years.” Mufti said party workers from all parts of the Valley wanted to come and meet and talk. They (government) do not allow youth to step out of the house. If they do, they either fall victim to bullets or batons or are put in jail,” he alleged.

The Mufti alleged that the government is “pushing you (youth) to the path of violence” so that “it becomes easier for them to shoot at you, accuse you”.

“But, we don’t have to give up and we don’t have to bow down. I’m proud of you because they’re afraid of you, not me. They’re afraid of your strength and your will,” she said.

The PDP chief said that his party will continue to fight for the prosperity, unity, dignity of Jammu and Kashmir and the resolution of the Kashmir issue in a peaceful and democratic manner.
He said that on one hand the Prime Minister spoke to US President Joe Biden about India’s democracy, but on the other he allegedly destroyed it in Kashmir. “We all have to come together, especially the youth. We have to show them that we are not afraid of them. If we were afraid, we would have compromised like other parties.

“Had we done this, we would not have been denied permission to hold the meeting citing Covid. Last week, all other leaders and parties are traveling to different parts and holding rallies. When the PDP decided to do so, so we were refused.. Why?” he said.

Asking the youth to persevere, the Mufti said, “The authorities may have closed the doors and prevented you from coming here, but I will reach out to you to take forward the agenda for which the PDP was formed.” Was gone – to resolve the Kashmir issue and restore our dignity.” He said, ‘They have snatched everything from Kashmir.
I am surprised that the government here is so scared of PDP. They are not afraid of other parties, so why are we?” he said.

Read also Jammu and Kashmir: 1 terrorist killed in Awantipora encounter, operation continues

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