CM Rupani warns “Hindustani girls corner” and cows

Rupani, a Gujarati, warned the cow slaughterer. (photo photo)


Gurjar (Gujarat) K Mantra Vijay Rupani (Vijay Rupani) said on Friday that even those people “trapped” Hindu girls in the strictest terms. Rupani is skilled in Vasihanodevi Circle area of ​​Mumbai. It was said that the youth government in the state had attacked. Commercial animal husbandry of Purushottam of Darambala.

this also further

The security rules said, “According to the rules appropriate to the system.

This is also done to stop the “love stubbornness”. We are dangerous for the Hindus.”

Even after being mentally affected, they were wrong.

Communication Rights of Communications (Amendment) 2021, operators broadcast affiliation and communicated on November 15, the broadcast of marriage was a broadcast of context for forcible or ‘fraudulent’ proselytization.

Even in the case of the High Court, Dr.

– – this also further – –
* India now appointed to tag target, government kept till 2030
* Storm wave, NIDM advisory
* 34,973 new COVID-19 cases in India in 24 hours, 7.7 less than yesterday


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