CME on lymphoma and laryngectomy at Kidwai

As part of its golden jubilee celebrations, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology is conducting a continuing medical education (CME) workshop on lymphoma changing trends on September 2.

Lymphoma is a cancer of the immune system affecting blood and lymph nodes, the incidence of which is on the rise. It is a very treatable disease and the outcome is excellent if correctly diagnosed at an early stage.

“The CME is aimed at updating the students and faculty of pathology and medical and paediatric oncology streams. It will enlighten the budding and practicing pathologists in the field of cancer diagnosis,” said Kidwai Director V. Lokesh.

Besides, the Department of Head and Neck Oncology is also conducting a two-day CME programme titled “Ode to 150 years of laryngectomy.” Laryngectomy is surgery for advanced cancer of the voice box. 

“The CME will address the historical aspects, basic principles, rehabilitation and advances in laryngectomy. A hands-on voice rehabilitation workshop will also be conducted as part of the CME.

“The programme will be attended by national faculty and about 200 doctors and speech and language pathologists. It will be a great teaching programme for ENT, head and neck surgery and surgical oncology residents,” said Krishnappa, Professor and Head of the department of Head and Neck Onco-Surgery at Kidwai.