Coimbatore Corporation to install 30 more info boards in R.S Puram and D.B Road under Smart City Mission

Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, under Coimbatore Smart City Mission (SCM), is in the process of installing 62 information boards on both sides of R.S. Puram and D.B. Road — the two model roads in the city that were renovated under the mission’s first phase.

Corporation Commissioner M. Prathap, in a press meeting, stated, “Various leaders have contributed in the form of knowledge, time, materials etc., to the form Coimbatore. This is a measure to remember these personalities and to raise awareness about them among people.

According to him, the Corporation, as of August 17, placed 32 information boards with photos of such leaders including famous businessmen and social activists and a short biography of them.

He added that there are 30 more spots identified on these roads to place more boards. So, a total of 62 boards will be put up under the SCM in Coimbatore city soon, Mr. Prathap stated.

An official in the Corporation mentioned that each board, erected with SMC and private partnership, cost ₹12,500 including stickering and photos. The old photos of the were redeveloped into colour, the official stated.

The Commissioner added that the public can notify the Coimbatore Corporation if they are aware of more prominent figures native and exclusive to the district.

“We are also exploring many more options such as on natural tourists spots or heritage buildings on these information boards,” Mr. Prathap told reporters.