Combat stress, improve sleep with aromatherapy; Try these recipes at home

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Combat Stress, Improve Sleep With Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy immediately strikes a nerve within us, for most, it seems a familiar place but lost in memory and for the rest it still remains a mystery how to use it correctly. It may have the effect of curing stress-related insomnia and may even act as an aphrodisiac for some. Available in different range to boost the relaxing effect on us, be it bath salts, candles, diffusers and even online platforms.

how it works

Essential oils can be used in two ways, one through inhalation and the other through application to the skin. For the first method of inhalation, the essential oil can be used as a room spray or diffuser and others can be applied to the skin in diluted form.


Not only does it provide you with a spa-like after-effect but also ensures a reduction in medical treatment. It has many health benefits on our mind, body and soul such as:

1) Decrease in cortisol and the perception of stress and stress hormones
2) Helps with sleep patterns and deep sleep states
3) Helps with dementia, reduced lung capacity and even snoring
4) Lavender can help promote the sleep state of babies and even adults.

Best dishes to try:

These recipes can help you feel calm and peaceful and can be adjusted as needed in the case of diffusers, double the amount of water and, in the case of skin, application of any base or carrier oil such as coconut, grapefruit. Or you can use olive oil. Etcetera. These recipes can also be used on a daily basis:

De-Stress Body Spray:

2 drops lavender
1 drop bergamot
1 drop frankincense
60 ml distilled water

Linen and Pillow Spray:

3 drops lavender
2 drops of chamomile
1 drop ylang-ylang
60 ml distilled water.

uplift body spray

2 drops of mint
1 drop of germanium
1 drop of eucalyptus
60 ml of distilled water.

Relax & Relax Spray

4 drops lavender
2 drops sandalwood
2 drops of Clary Sage
60 ml distilled water.

Bottom Line- There has been an extensive research on the essential oil to have stress-reducing properties and help combat stress and improve sleep and balance your stress levels and mood during meditation sessions. But does not replace professional health care advice.

(Psychic Medium by Daksh Kakkar)