Common myths about pet care new fur parents should avoid

Last Update: February 26, 2023, 23:57 IST

If you’re trying to sort fact from fiction, we’ve put together a list to bust some common pet care myths.

If you’re taking your dog out for a walk, let him walk on grass or a shady sidewalk.

If you’re a new pet parent, you’ve likely come across a variety of suggestions on the best ways to care for your fur baby. But, they are not always accurate. There are chances that you will come across conflicting information which can be quite confusing. You just want to keep your pet healthy which means you need to educate yourself about the best ways to care for your dog or cat.

So, if you’re trying to sort fact from fiction, we’ve put together a list to bust some common pet care myths.

my dog’s paw pads are heat resistant

false! In fact, just the opposite is true. Your canine’s paw pads are very sensitive to both hot and cold weather. So, in extreme temperatures, be sure to keep them protected. If you’re taking your dog out for a walk, let him walk on grass or a shady sidewalk. You might also consider using dog booties, or paw protectors, during the summer and winter.

dogs eat grass due to indigestion

Absolutely not! Contrary to popular belief, your puppy may not eat grass because he has an upset stomach or is nauseous. Lack of nutritious diet can be one of the reasons for this. It may also be their way of getting rid of intestinal parasites. Do not encourage your dog to eat grass as this will expose them to fertilizers and pesticides among other harmful chemicals.

Indoor pets don’t need to go to the vet

Your dog may be healthier than stray dogs, but that doesn’t mean they are free from infections and diseases. Just like us, their genetics, hormones, diet and exercise have a big impact on health. Even if your pet doesn’t leave the house, you do. You can unknowingly bring in a lot of germs from outside which can put them at risk of diseases. Be sure to visit the vet frequently.

it’s okay to feed them human food

This is a huge number. Every fur baby is different and has different nutritional needs – depending on their age, breed and health status. Don’t feed your dog fried food, berries, chocolate or alcohol. You can check with your vet what kind of food to give and what are the essential nutrients for your pet.

no need to brush my dog’s teeth

It is absolutely essential to brush your dog’s teeth every day to prevent tooth decay. This isn’t emphasized enough, but oral health is equally important for your pet. Proper dental care will help avoid tooth loss, decay and other issues. If neglected, it can lead to bacterial infection which can adversely affect their health. Invest in a good brush or contact your vet to give your pet some dental cleanings.

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