Concern over hyacinth outbreak in Kukkarahalli lake in Mysore

The spread of hyacinth in the Kukkarahalli lake has become a matter of concern for environmentalists.

MK Sapthagirish, an amateur naturalist and bird photographer, who participated in a bird-watching event organized under the joint aegis of Mysore Science Foundation and Aranya Outreach at Kukkarahalli lake on Sunday, said the hyacinth was posing a major threat to the lake as it was spreading. Was. at an alarming rate.

Though it has been partially removed, Mr. Saptagirish stressed on the need for prompt action for complete removal of hyacinth. “Otherwise, biological oxygen demand may increase and the ecosystem may be adversely affected,” he said.

Foundation Secretary GB Santosh Kumar said that the participants of the program also discussed the importance of the lake as part of an ecosystem and its role in the urban system.

If birds were to be drawn to the lake, it was necessary to make the environment of the lake attractive to them. Not only should the lake and its surroundings be cleaned of plastic bottles and covers, but efforts should also be made to stop the flow of sewage into the lake. Besides, the officials should not disturb the walkway, he said.

bird species

Around 40 participants participated in the program, while a total of 51 species of birds were recorded. Some of the important bird species recorded on Sunday include the globally threatened spot-billed pelican, black-headed ibis and Oriental darter. Some of the birds recorded included young such as the bronzed-winged jacuna, the Eurasian coot, the little grebe, and the night heron. Painted storks were also found nesting on the island in the lake.
