Congress flag hoisted on the party’s 137th foundation day. watch video

A video has gone viral on the internet in which the Congress party’s flag fell when the party’s interim president Sonia Gandhi was hoisting the flag on the 137th foundation day.

India’s oldest political parties are celebrating their 137th foundation day on Tuesday. suffered heavy defeats in 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha ElectionsThe oldest party is trying to regain its lost electoral ground ahead of the 2024 general elections.

in present, Congress Two major states – Punjab and Chhattisgarh – are also facing factionalism. In Punjab, Captain Amarinder Singh resigned as Chief Minister amid internal strife and has now floated his own party to contest the assembly elections in alliance with the BJP.

Congress is gearing up afresh for 2024 and hopes to build momentum by doing well in the coming assembly elections.

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