Congress in touch with Left extremist organizations: Nirmala Sitharaman

Union Finance Minister accuses party of absentee politics; Appreciated PM Modi’s vaccine policy

Union Finance Minister accuses party of absentee politics; Appreciated PM Modi’s vaccine policy

The Congress is in touch with “Left extremist groups” who are fighting against the country and extending support to organizations that want to break the nation, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman alleged in Chennai on Sunday.

Speaking on the 52nd anniversary of Tughlaq Magazine, Ms Sitharaman said the party has been associated with “fringe parties” such as communist parties since the time of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi and has given them various positions and foreign tours to Russia and Nepal.

,[Congress leader] Rahul Gandhi is going and standing from place to place and with people who want to break the country, which Indira Gandhi or Rajiv Gandhi would not have done. Congress is asking such groups to go and protest and we will continue to support you. “This is the kind of absentee politics that we don’t want in the country,” she said.

The minister said that when the BJP said it was “Congress- free India” (Congress-free India), it meant some of the practices that defined the Congress and other parties; practices such as absenteeism, elitism, blunders, corruption and dynastic politics.

“When the BJP said it wanted a “Congress-mukt Bharat”, it meant some of the behaviors that defined the Congress and other parties; practices such as absenteeism, elitism, blunders, corruption and dynastic politics. “Nirmala SitaramanFinance Minister

Congress: No work on the ground

Taking a jibe at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, he alleged that he behaved like the boss of the party and would not do any work on the ground but would only tweet and go abroad. According to him, the country wanted an active Congress that would come for discussion, stand up for the issues of the people.

Lauding Prime Minister Narendra Modi for India’s COVID vaccination rate, he claimed that the Congress has created vaccine hesitation in the country. “I am grateful that Narendra Modi was the Prime Minister of India when Covid happened. I can’t even imagine what would have happened otherwise,” she said.

“Congress said Article 370 cannot be changed. But the BJP proved it otherwise and even the Supreme Court has recognized it on legal grounds. Look at Congress ruled states. There is so much corruption,” she said.

attitude towards the poor

Accusing the Congress of elitism, the minister said that everyone knows with whom they are hanging out, but Congress leaders will go to the huts of the poor and take photographs to fool everyone that they are with the poor.

On the issue of GST compensation, he said that only Rs. 78,000 crore was pending for two months for all the states of the country and all the remaining dues were paid.

Apart from this, he said that Tamil Nadu needs a national party to be in government and everyone should work together to bring BJP to power in the state.

Tughlaq editor S Gurumurthy and others participated in the program.