Constitution faces existential crisis, India no longer a cooperative federal nation: Congress

Congress accused the Prime Minister on Saturday Narendra Modi accused it of “hypocrisy” for celebrating Constitution Day and alleged that the Constitution was facing an existential crisis and India is no longer an associate federal nation.

Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge said that a Constitution that has stood the test of time for more than seven decades, “today faces a fundamental crisis, indeed an existential crisis to the spirit behind its text”. .

“We have reached a point where there is growing disagreement not only between people, but also between governments and states. We are no longer a cooperative federal nation,” he said in a statement.

The statement came hours after the Prime Minister addressed an event to mark the day.

The day is celebrated as Constitution Day to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India by the Constituent Assembly in 1949.

former party president Rahul Gandhi He said that he will follow the path of unity till every word of it is established.

“I will walk that path until every word of our Constitution is ratified and every citizen is protected by fairness and justice,” he tweeted.

In a statement titled “The Looming Crisis of the Indian Constitution”, Kharge alleged that ever since the BJP government came to power in 2014, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has used it as a tool to curtail the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution. Used as a political vehicle.

“The fringe has now become the mainstream because the illegal has become the mainstream. The most important tangible spirit of our democracy is being subverted and disrespected by the people, who are using it as a means to push a completely opposite agenda,” Kharge said. are using in

Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh said that the draft of the Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26.11.1949 and the Constituent Assembly decided that it would come into force from 26.01.1950, which has since been celebrated as Republic Day.

In a series of tweets, he said, “The ideological fountainhead of the BJP had nothing to do with the making of the Constitution.” In daily letter and spirit, the Prime Minister decided to celebrate 26 November as Constitution Day. This is sheer hypocrisy,” Ramesh said.

Recalling BR Ambedkar’s November 25, 1949 speech piloting the final draft of the Constitution, he said, “I would like to remind the Prime Minister and his drummers of just two paragraphs of that speech.” He shared some excerpts from the speech.

Congress chief Kharge claimed that “this crisis finds its roots in the ever-increasing reach of the RSS within state institutions and the electoral (and by extension judicial) legitimacy of its ideology with the BJP in power”.

“The government has completely surrendered itself and its institutions to the diktats of the RSS, an organization which furthers hateful propaganda in the guise of social service. In fact, it is no longer wrong to use the words RSS and BJP interchangeably,” he said.

“We are witnessing the beginning of what Babasaheb (Bhimrao Ambedkar) refers to as ‘lawless law’, replete with never-ending violations on fundamental rights, systematically engineered by the BJP-RSS government They have been in power ever since.” He added.

The Congress chief alleged that “mysterious death of judges; his immediate transfer before the pronouncement of the verdict; or their chastisement for standing up against the government has not gone unnoticed by the people of India”.

On top of that the Law Minister lectures on the executive and the judiciary by saying ‘there is no chance to fight amongst themselves’.

Kharge said the Congress has launched the Bharat Jodo Yatra to unite the country against the forces of hatred and divisiveness.

“Let us unite and take it upon ourselves to bring India back to its constitutional values ​​and to restore the nation to a time when these values ​​flourished. The only way to control this new hegemonic nature is to counter it with ideological and moral strength,” he said.

He also alleged that within the system, the ruling party has restricted all avenues for the opposition to express protest.

“The microphone is routinely muted whenever the BJP’s actions are questioned in Parliament and the space available to us in the media is shrinking every day,” he said.

“Functionality and Freedom” Election The Indian Commission is also in danger. An opaque system of electoral bonds implemented as a money bill has been brought in to give undue advantage to the ruling party,” he said.

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