Control high blood sugar: 7 fruits with low glycemic index will keep diabetes under control

High blood sugar or diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or does not make enough insulin and the most common form of diabetes in adults is type 2 diabetes. According to the World Health Organization, diabetes is a leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, strokes and lower limb amputations. Controlling blood sugar is very important, failure to do so can have serious health implications.

To control diabetes, one has to keep a strict watch on the diet. While fruits are great for health, people with high blood sugar levels need to choose fruits with a low glycemic index – a value used to measure how much specific foods raise blood sugar levels. . According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), reports Healthline, a GI score is rated as low: 55 or below; Medium: 56 to 69; High: 70 and above.

Here are 7 low GI fruits that diabetics can enjoy guilt-free.

1) Cherry: Rich in potassium and antioxidants, cherries with a GI score of 41 are great for people with high blood sugar. This is especially beneficial in winters as cherries boost your immune system and improve your heart health.

2) apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Apple reportedly has a GI of 39 and is great for diabetics.

3) Oranges: This is another seasonal fruit that diabetics can enjoy. Rich in Vitamin C, orange boosts immunity and has a GI score of 40.

4) Rahila: Pears also have a low glycemic index, which means they won’t raise your blood sugar too quickly. A medium sized pear would have an estimated GI score of 38. These fruits are also rich in nutrients.

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5) Strawberries: This pretty looking fruit has a GI score of 41 and is a storehouse of vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants.

6) Grape: A good source of vitamin B-6, grapes are packed with micronutrients such as minerals, vitamins and a variety of disease-fighting phytochemicals. They are excellent for people with diabetes.

7) plum: This is another fruit that is good for diabetics. They are a good source of vitamin C and have a low glycemic index, despite their sweet taste.