Control your weight with these easy tips

New Delhi: Has your waistline expanded since the pandemic began? Don’t worry, you are not alone. A lifestyle that confines you with limited movement inside the four walls of the house is bound to add inches to your belly. Routines have been disrupted, tensions have risen, and with new forms of the virus emerging at regular intervals, it is unclear when things will return to normal. The change in weight comes with good reason, as people’s diets, activity levels, sleep habits and daily routines have been turned upside down in this past year.

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is important for quality of life and well-being. If you are overweight or obese, you have a higher risk of developing serious health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems and some cancers. Obesity is also associated with mental health issues like anxiety, depression etc. Keeping your weight under control will help you stay fit and strong and will also have a positive effect on your health and happiness.

If you are one of those people whose waist has increased by a few inches, don’t start self-criticizing after reading all of the above. Instead, make some lifestyle changes to help reverse the scale and feel better.

One of the main causes of unhealthy weight gain is leading a sedentary lifestyle devoid of physical activity along with improper diet. Additionally, emotional stress and improper sleep routines during the pandemic have further compounded the problem. Getting in shape requires proper diet, regular exercise and good sleep – compromising on either of the two can defeat the whole purpose.

Follow these simple tips to keep your weight at a healthy level.

Eating right is half the job!

Let’s face the truth – a healthy diet is the key to weight management. I cannot stress enough the importance of regular calorie consumption. Although a calorie-restrictive diet requires eating food in measured portions, it doesn’t necessarily make you starve to death! Including foods rich in fiber, protein and healthy fats is a great way to gain weight. A recent study by researchers from the University of Leeds [1]Recognizes almonds as one such food. The study found that people who consumed almonds (compared to crackers with equal energy) as a morning snack experienced less hunger. Eating almonds suppressed the unconscious desire (“implicit desire”) to consume other high-fat foods, which may be useful in a weight management strategy. Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that consuming a daily breakfast of 42 grams of almonds, as part of an overall healthy diet, improved several risk factors for heart disease. In addition to a significant improvement in HDL cholesterol,[2] It also reduced central adiposity (abdominal fat) and waist circumference, all well-established heart disease risk factors. Additionally, almonds are also known to have satiating properties which makes them a great snack especially to eat in between meals, as they will keep you satiated without making you gain weight.[3]. Therefore, include a handful of almonds in your daily diet to manage your weight in a better way. Apart from almonds, you can also eat fruits, buttermilk, lemon water to reduce your appetite.

Work hard!

Yes, you read that right – working out is very important if you want to lose weight. Did you know that maintaining a workout routine of at least 150 minutes per week can do wonders far more than you can imagine? In addition to losing those extra pounds, exercising helps build muscle, boost metabolism and maintain a healthy heart. It also releases endorphins or happy hormones in your body which improves your mood.

Celebrity fitness instructor, Yasmin Karachiwala, advises, “By making sure to add both cardiovascular and resistance training into the mix, you’ll be slathering those waist inches in no time!” She also recommends that “there should be at least a 2-hour gap between a major meal and a workout. To boost energy, I recommend my clients eat a handful of almonds at least 30 minutes before exercising. Have a banana together.” She says, “Almonds can quell hunger without bloating, thus enabling a good workout session. They are a very convenient pre-workout snack and can be eaten and eaten on the go.”

nothing a good sleep can’t solve

Adequate sleep is essential for your body to recover from daily exertion. Sleep deprivation lowers your resting metabolic rate and can also lead to insulin resistance. In addition, it can increase appetite and impair mental health by interfering with hormone production, making you more likely to eat unhealthy foods.

Losing those extra pounds may seem difficult at first, even unattainable. But remember that it is never too late to start. Taking basic, quarantine-friendly steps will help you stay within your target weight range. You may face setbacks and you may not be able to stick to a healthy routine as fast as you would like. But it’s important to remember to keep your focus long enough, and it will go on.


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