Cooking Classes for a Popular Restaurant: This Gujarat Woman’s Inspiring Story

Every Gujarati wishes that he has rich taste.

Due to the quality of the food, Nidhiben’s restaurant has become very popular among the customers within a short span of time.

As they say, if you don’t have the will to do it, you can’t do it. Half the battle is won out there when you are just determined to achieve your goal. And today’s story will prove it right. A woman from Junagadh, Gujarat named Nidhiben Khakhar has taught cooking to more than 2000 people. In fact, the people who came to learn cooking from her inspired Nidhiben to open a restaurant. Nidhi, who has been teaching cooking for 8 years, opened Nidhi’s Kitchen a year ago, and it has quickly become a favorite among families.

The unique thing about Nidhi is that she works like a professional chef rather than an owner in her restaurant. There are many people working there, but Nidhi is the one who adds the finishing touch and flavor to each dish. In a recent interview to News18, he said, “Everyone likes the taste of my food. Every Gujarati wishes that he has rich taste. My restaurant does not use Ajinomoto or chemicals of any kind. It’s a place for healthy food like home.”

Nidhi, who credits her success to her husband and family, claims that she did little advertising for her restaurant. There were no advertisements or billboards; The people who came here used to talk about the food to their friends, and thus trade started through conversation between people. She said, “The quality of the food is the reason behind my success.” She gives the credit of her success to her husband and the whole family and says that she did not do any kind of publicity for her restaurant.

This restaurant serves a variety of cuisine including Gujarati and Punjabi dishes. The most important thing is that Nidhiben runs the entire restaurant herself. Nidhi is setting a good example for women everywhere, not just in her community.

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