Cortez Masto wins Nevada Senate race, gains Democratic control of US Senate

marvel Democratic US Senator Catherine Cortez Masto has won re-election in Nevada, Edison Research said Saturday, in a victory projected to see the Senate controlled by Democrats in 2023.

Cortez Masto defeated Republican challenger Adam Laxalt, the former attorney general of the state who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump.

With Masto’s victory after Democratic Senator Mark Kelly won re-election in Arizona late Friday, Democrats now control 50 Senate seats.

That’s enough to solidify Democrats’ control of the Senate in 2023-24, as Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris could break ties in the 100-member chamber, securing a victory for President Joe Biden.

If Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock were to win the December 6 Georgia runoff election against Republican challenger Herschel Walker, it would increase the Democrats’ majority to 51–49. In return, Democrats would have an added edge in passing a limited number of controversial bills, which are allowed to proceed with a simple majority, rather than the 60 required for most legislation.

Currently, Democratic senators Joe Manchin in West Virginia and Kirsten Sinha in Arizona are “swing” votes that have blocked or delayed some of Biden’s key initiatives, including expanding some social programs.

But with 51 Democratic seats in Congress up for grabs next year, Munchkin and Cinema may have little influence.

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