Cotton Candy Maggi is the latest bizarre invention on the internet; people are not impressed

Who doesn’t love Maggie?! This instant noodle has captured the hearts of millions of Indians in all stories. What’s more, culinary enthusiasts decided to take their love for this noodle a step further by experimenting with Maggi. Experiments have invented some of the funniest Maggi Fusion recipes ever. From Maggi Mirchi, Maggi Milkshake, Maggi Paratha, Maggi Pakora, Maggi Pani Puri and even Maggi Ladoo! But the matter does not stop here. A Delhi-based food blogger came up with the idea of ​​adding cotton candy to Maggi and the internet was not impressed. Don’t believe us? Have a look:

To make this Cotton Candy Maggi, the food blogger first melts butter in a pan. Once the butter is melted, she adds a variety of vegetables, all finely chopped. After roasting the vegetables, she puts raw Maggi in a kadhai and pours required amount of water into it. Next, she seasons the Maggi with the seasoning powder that comes in the packet and along with some salt. Once the Maggi is almost cooked, she adds a piece of resistance, cotton candy, The video was uploaded by @eatthisdelhi and garnered 344k views and 13k likes.

Read also: From Manchurian Maggi to Tandoori Maggi: Try These 5 Delicious Maggi Recipes When You’re Suddenly Hungry

The cotton candy melts immediately into the Maggi leaving no visible traces; However, it did make a difference in the taste. The food blogger reviewed her Fusion invention and found Maggi to have a slightly sweet taste. The internet has been obsessed with mixing a sweet dish like cotton candy with a delicious classic like Maggi! People aren’t so convinced whether this fusion food invention is a good idea. What people commented about this Cotton Candy Maggi:

“Hey Cotton Candy Cue Dali” (Why did you put the cotton candy?)

“Cotton Candy Maggi looks as much as Shah Rukh Khan in Dhoom 3”

“Never heard of that before.”

“The world will accept nayi karega yeh zadti hai with Maggi” (The world will not accept this insult of Maggi)

What did you think of this Cotton Candy Maggi? Tell us in the comment section below!