Covid 19: After 5 days, cases drop below 3,000. Vadodara News – Times of India

Vadodara: Number of fresh Kovid-19 cases in the district Vadodara City And the district went down to 3,000 after five days. In the 24 hours ended Thursday evening, 2,395 new cases were reported in 10,214 tests.
The number of Kovid-19 cases remained consistently over 3,000 since January 22. It had made a new peak on January 22 when 3,709 new cases were reported and on Tuesday 3,802 new cases made another peak.
The fresh infections had come down to 3,016 on Wednesday.
There is also a steady decline in the number of tests being conducted in the city and district.
On January 23, 12,798 tests were conducted in the city and district. With 10,214 test reports coming in on Thursday, it is continuously declining.
Sources said that the decline in testing was possible due to various reasons. These include a holiday on Wednesday and the possibility of a decline in the spread of the disease in the community.
Another possibility is that a growing number of people are not getting themselves tested because symptoms are mild or are being tested at home.
Thursday was the sixth day in a row that health officials confirmed two deaths.
The total number of deaths due to COVID-19 now stands at 636. There are 24,249 active cases, of which 31 are in critical condition on ventilator or bipap machines.
