COVID-19 cases on the rise in children: Check symptoms and precautions

The Union Health Ministry on Tuesday said that India recorded 5,676 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, taking the total active caseload to 37,093. In recent days, there has been an increase in cases of COVID-19 among children under the age of 15, and although symptoms are usually milder in young patients, doctors have prescribed COVID-19 tests to prevent the spread of the virus from parents to children. It is requested to take appropriate precautions.

As children are more vulnerable to viral infections and diseases such as RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), flu, adenovirus and COVID, it is important to immunize them if possible, encourage regular hand washing and wear masks. It is best to keep children at home and get them tested for COVID if they have cough, cold, stomach flu, or any other flu-like symptoms. According to experts, the recent spike in Covid cases should not be ignored.

covid symptoms in children

The signs and symptoms to watch for in children are still the same as what we saw earlier, and they mainly include:

– high fever

– cough

– body pain

– Exhaustion

– running nose

To mention a few, which are similar to other flu and adenovirus symptoms. The prevalence of other symptoms, such as eye redness, conjunctivitis, and watery eyes, may aid medical professionals in differentiating between Covid and adenovirus.

“There has been a significant increase in COVID-19 cases in the last few days in most parts of the country, including the national capital Delhi. Common symptoms include fever, cold, cough, headache and body ache. This could be due to these. Current High transmissibility of the strain, but a relieving fact is that most cases are not serious diseases. Nevertheless, prevention is better, especially in high-risk groups such as the elderly, those with chronic diseases, the immunosuppressed, pregnant women and children. etc. says Dr Sunita Kapoor, director and consultant pathologist, City X-Ray & Scan Clinic Pvt. Ltd.

covid precautions for kids

Parents should be aware of the signs; If a high-grade fever lasts longer than five days, the cough gets worse, the child becomes lethargic, unable to eat or drink, has trouble breathing, gets worse diarrhea, or has dry lips. or peeling, your child may need it. hospital treatment.

Dr Sunita Kapoor suggests that in view of the rising cases, people with flu-like symptoms should wear masks and avoid public places to prevent the spread of the virus.

“To avoid getting infected, try to maintain social distancing, avoid crowded places, wear a mask while going out and wash hands frequently. If you experience any symptoms or you think If you are exposed to the virus, seek medical attention. People should not panic.” And should follow Covid appropriate behavior and follow the guidelines issued by the authorities. Don’t dismiss symptoms as common cold or flu, get yourself tested and follow your doctor’s advice.”

In schools and surrounding areas where children play with other children, follow COVID precautionary measures, such as wearing a mask, self-hygiene, washing your hands and face frequently after coming indoors, and periodically But clean yourself well. Also, as a preventive measure, parents are urged to get RT-PCR test done if they see any symptoms in their children.