COVID-19 Home Testing Kits: Uses and Concerns

India is facing the third wave of Kovid-19. As cases are increasing rapidly, people who have flu-like symptoms are suspected to be infected with COVID-19. The panic mode of the people puts a burden on the health workers. Rapid testing kits are available in the market to increase testing without putting pressure on hospitals.

Since the test kits are easily available at the nearest drugstore, people are getting tested at home. Home testing kits are useful in containing the spread of the virus as people are not going out to get tested. Though awareness is a step towards increasing testing, it is creating stress on the officials.

The main cause of concern is that all the people who are testing at home and coming back positive are not reporting it to the authorities. Because of this such cases are not being registered. As reported by Times of India, additional commissioner of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) Suresh Kakani told a news agency, “There is no data entry from the domestic testing kits. This is a screening test, not a confirmation test. We are not aware of people who are using self-testing kits. If people who test positive do not follow the rules of isolation, they will infect their close contacts.”

If you are testing at home, a few responsible steps can increase the effectiveness of the test.

step 1: Ensure proper sanitization of the place where the test is being done.

step 2: Before opening the packet of testing kit, clean and sanitize its packet.

step 3: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and then place the contents of the kit on a clean surface.

step 4: Check out the details on the test kit, and download the required app and fill in all the required details.

Step 5: After testing, follow the signs in the mobile app to check whether you are infected or not.

Step 6: Place the test kit with all its components in a disposal bag and dump it in the bin.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, go for home isolation. If you have symptoms but the test is showing a negative result, do an RT-PCR test. You can visit the official website of ICMR to know about the verified kits.

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