COVID-19 pandemic: Re-opening of schools due to concern among children? Here’s How You Can Help Them

After noticing a declining trend in daily COVID-19 cases, state governments across the country began reopening schools after a two-year-long battle with the pandemic. While this brought a sigh of relief for parents and educational authorities, children are struggling to re-adjust to their new schedules, as many young children have developed social anxiety during periods of online classes. Apart from the absence of their parents during school hours, many children are hesitant to interact with their teachers and peer group.

This social anxiety shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, for the last two years, children were constantly being reminded to maintain social distancing. And now this precautionary activity has turned into an introverted habit for many, moreover, the difficulty level has increased for children who had social anxiety even before the pandemic hit the world.

Here are some tips for parents to help reduce their children’s after-school-to-school anxiety and help them re-adjust to social life:

  • Lower expectations, increase understanding

If you are a parent and your child is going through a similar situation, you should start by lowering your expectations of your little ones, and understand that like any other skill such as dancing or singing, social skills It gets worse when we don’t do that. t practice it regularly. Therefore, having expectations from your children will only add to the burden on them.

Once you understand your child’s struggle, you should move on to normal activities in a safe and sensitive way. For example, you can go to the park with your child and spend some time with other people.

Highlight the importance of independence to your child, and this can be done by practicing short periods of isolation. For example, send your child to play with other children in the neighbourhood. This exercise should be done with children who are facing trouble in separation from their parents.

Start talking and interacting more with your kids. You should make them aware of social anxiety. And at the same time, your children should know that the social anxiety they are going through is completely normal.

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