COVID-19: Six home ayurvedic remedies to boost your immunity. read here

Ayurveda It has always been important for the Indian family as a daily measure to maintain good health. Although Ayurvedic system of medicine cannot be a substitute for vaccines and medicines for COVID-19, herbs and spices have immense benefits for the human body.

When the Covid-19 pandemic first broke out in India, almost every household smelled of ‘Kada’, an Ayurvedic tonic containing many herbs and spices. Waking up in the morning eating a piece of ginger drinking herbal tea To beat the common cold, Ayurvedic remedies have long been proven to be effective and recommended.

taking into account the common symptoms of covid-19 Like headache, sore throat, runny nose, here are six Ayurvedic remedies that you can adopt. And the new one? These are all simple household items.

read below to know


Holy basil or Tulsi has both medicinal and religious significance in Indian homes. It is very effective against common cold.

“… Studies show that basil has a unique combination of actions that include: antimicrobial (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiprotozoal, anti-malarial, anthelmintic), mosquito repellent, anti-diarrhoeal, Anti-oxidant, Anti-glaucoma, Anti-inflammatory, Chemopreventive, Radioprotective, Hepato-protective, Neuro-protective, Cardio-protective, Anti-diabetic, Anti-hypercholesterolemia, Anti-hypertensive, Anti-carcinogenic, Analgesic, Anti-pyretic, Anti-allergic, Immunomodulatory, Central Nervous System Depressant, Memory Enhancement, Anti-Asthmatic, Depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Thyroid, Anti-fertility, Anti-ulcer, Anti-emetic, Anti-convulsant, Anti-arthritic, Adaptative, Anti-stress Anticancer, anti-glaucoma, anti-leukodermal and anti-coagulant activities,” states a research study.

If you have cough due to cold, then you can eat 3-4 leaves of basil daily.


Gingerols and paradols present in ginger have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Ginger also contains several terpene compounds such as β-bisabolene, α-curcumene, zingiberene, α-farnesene, and β-sesquiphellandrene which make it a strong antioxidant and also account for its strong aroma.

Boil a dry ginger in 2 cups of water and drink it sips slowly throughout the day.


commonly known as turmeric milkThis mixture of milk and turmeric is widely used in our homes when someone catches a cold.

To get its benefit, half teaspoon turmeric (turmeric) powder in 150 ml warm milk should be consumed once or twice a day.

herbal tea

a typical Hard: Prepared from Tulsi (Basil), Cinnamon (Cinnamon), Kali Mirch (Black Pepper), Shunthi (Dry Ginger) and Munakka (Raisin) and consumed once or twice a day. Jaggery (natural sugar) and/or fresh lemon juice can be added as per taste.


Triphala is a combination of three important herbs: personnel or Indian gooseberry, begging or belaric (Terminalia bellirica) and Haritaki Or black herd.

Triphala can be consumed with warm water as it is said to help with bowel movements. It can also be consumed in the form of tea. The best way to eat Triphala is at night before sleeping.


Another effective Ayurvedic remedy for cold and sore throat is a mixture of black pepper, long pepper and ginger powder.

According to experts, this mixture is anti-inflammatory in nature and boosts immunity.

Honey can be added to this mixture to reduce the pungent taste of black pepper. Experts recommend licking this mixture throughout the day.

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