COVID-19 UK: 40% of Omicron hospitalizations are illiterate adults, officials finally reveal – Henry’s Club

Up to 40 percent of patients are hospitalized omicron The variants are unrelated, health chiefs have finally revealed in the wake of a transparency row.

Officials were accused of intimidation for providing no reference in the daily update on how many people needed medical treatment after testing positive for the ultra-infectious strain.

But Britain’s Health Protection Agency, which replaced the now-closed PHE, removed additional details last night, offering more clarity on the current state of the sport.

There are now 668 hospitalized patients in England who have either tested positive for Omicron or are highly suspected of having it.

Twenty-six percent were not vaccinated, according to the agency’s nationwide analysis. But the UKHSA revealed that the figure was up to 40 per cent in Omicron-hotspot London, for which it had the most ‘robust’ data. It said the findings ‘show the importance of the vaccine’.

The agency also raised the variant’s fatal toll to 49.

But health officials have yet to disclose whether any of the victims had already received boosters or whether the virus was the primary cause of their deaths, despite mounting pressure to release additional information.

The UKHSA report also did not say whether any of the hospitalized patients had been given a third vaccine, raising further questions about the country’s current COVID outbreak.

Figures from the UK Health Protection Agency (UKHSA) show that omicrons now make up 90.4 per cent of all cases in England. The graph shows: the proportion of cases more likely to be omicron (purple) than other types, including delta (light green) over time

According to an analysis of government data by MailOnline, the worst-affected areas of England saw their Covid outbreaks during the week before Christmas. The map shows: Covid case rates in the territories of England and Wales in the seven days leading up to 15 December (left) and 22 December (right)

MailOnline’s analysis shows cases in Lower Pennyworth North, a district of Preston, rose from 196 per 100,000 people to 1,192 as of December 22, the latest date available for regional data.

Covid outbreak takes shape in the week before Christmas in most affected areas of England

England’s worst-hit regions saw their own Covid outbreaks a week earlier Christmas, according to MailOnline’s analysis of government data that shows how quickly omicron The country has been crushed.

Cases in Lower Pennyworth North, a district of Preston, rose to 1,192 from 196 per 100,000 people in the week to December 22, the latest date regional data is available.

Official figures also show that the number of positive tests has doubled in a fifth of England’s 6,800 wards, where some 11 million people live.

Meanwhile, fascinating time-lapse maps show the rapid pace of Omicron’s journey to reach every corner of the nation.

Academics from the Sanger Institute, one of the country’s largest variant-tracking laboratories, pulled together data that showed England detecting its first case of ultra-transmissible lineage in swaths of the country in late November, becoming the leading How did it go? It’s a matter of weeks.

Boris Johnson kept his spirits up yesterday and instead urging people to be careful with his social plans, opted to scuttle the version ahead of the NYE for tougher sanctions.

No10’s own advisers have repeatedly warned that tensions could overwhelm NHS hospitals within weeks, prompting calls for lockdown-esque measures.

Ministers have refused to consider adopting tougher restrictions in January to bring England in line with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which have already closed nightclubs and six to include O’Micron. Rule of. Applied again.

The UKHSA figure of 40 per cent does not mean that current vaccines do not work, even though the majority of hospitalized patients have been vaccinated.

Instead, it offers even more proof of how effective the jabs are—even in front of Omicron.

The UK has vaccinated the vast majority of eligible people over the age of 18, which means those who have been vaccinated make up a substantial portion of the population.

Separate UKHSA data showing how well the vaccines work shows that unvaccinated adults are eight times more likely to be hospitalized than those given two doses.

The difference is even greater for intensive care units, where they are 60 times more likely to need treatment.

And the third dose is expected to strengthen that protection even more, even if the jabs are not as effective in preventing people from having mild symptoms.

The 40 percent figure for London cannot be fully translated into the capital’s admissions figures as O’Micron is not yet fully dominant in the city.

So far most of the spread has occurred in younger people, who are less likely to have a full jaw, which would increase the proportion of hospital patients who were unresponsive in the data.

The number of hospitalizations is a key metric used by ministers to determine whether stricter COVID restrictions are needed, now that vaccines have removed most of the emphasis from raw infection numbers.

Daily hospital admissions in London are still below the 400-day level which could trigger government intervention.

But doctors fear the capital’s numbers – which rose 73.4 percent in the week ending Christmas Day – will continue to rise in the coming weeks because there is a time lag between people becoming infected and becoming seriously ill.

And he warned that numbers are likely to rise after different generations mix during the festival period, with the elderly at greatest risk.

But critics have repeatedly complained that the NHS’s daily coronavirus admissions figures are exaggerated because they do not differentiate between those admitted for COVID and those who only had the virus and for any other reason. He was treated with was admitted.

Health officials only give a total count for the number of infected patients kept in the ward, without specifying whether they needed medical care because they were sick with the virus or tested positive by chance.

However, NHS statisticians already state how many COVID-infected patients are being treated primarily for the virus.

That data shows that about a quarter of admitted cases are incidental cases in people who are hospitalized for another illness, such as a routine operation or even a broken leg. also for.

Omicron has now been shown to be substantially lighter than previous variants, with politicians and experts calling for the same daily figures to be re-counted to paint a more accurate picture of the situation facing the NHS.

But NHS officials insist the total figure – which includes thousands of emergent cases – is still the most accurate way of looking at hospitals under pressure because all Covid patients need to be isolated, no matter how sick they are.

The virus can also exacerbate existing health problems and subsequently become the primary reason for patients’ hospital stays.

Academics from the Sanger Institute, one of the country’s largest variant-tracking laboratories, pulled together data that showed England detecting its first case of ultra-transmissible lineage in swaths of the country in late November, becoming the leading How did it go? a matter of weeks

Omicron’s cases rose the fastest in London, before other regions of the country began to take hold. The graph shows: the number of laboratory-confirmed omicron cases in the regions of England over time

But one of the NHS’s most vocal advocates has also revealed that some hospitals are not seeing an increase in the real number of patients sick with COVID, despite an increase in official admissions.

Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, said: ‘We must be cautious about over-interpreting existing raw COVID admissions data.

‘As the COVID community infection rate due to Omicron increases rapidly, we will find more cases of this type of accidental COVID in hospital.’

Despite ministers insisting that the NHS is not yet overwhelmed by Covid, health chiefs have warned that the service is under enormous pressure even before winter really begins.

NHS data shows hospitals are facing increasing demand with fewer staff, with O’Micron forcing thousands of nurses and doctors to self-isolate.

Covid-related absences have tripled in a week at London’s biggest trust, a major problem in the rest of England, with editions in every corner of the country in the coming weeks.

Hospital owners have been asked to be prepared to set up pop-up wards in existing car parks as well as in offices and meeting rooms to deal with the pressure.