Covid: Covid claims 1 million American lives, leaves a trail of damage – Times of India

NEW YORK: The United States has now recorded more than 1 million Covid-19 deaths, according to a Reuters tally, surpassing the once unimaginable milestone and quickly turning it around two years after the first cases.
The 1 million mark is a stark reminder of the horrific grief and loss caused by the pandemic, even as the threat posed by the virus looms large in the minds of many. This represents approximately one death for every 327 Americans, or more than the entire population of San Francisco or Seattle.
by that time World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, the virus that has killed 36 people in the United States. In the months that followed, the deadly virus spread like wildfire, found fertile ground in densely populated urban areas like New York City and then spread to every corner of the country. As of June, the US death toll had exceeded the country’s total number of military deaths in World War One and will exceed US military losses of World War Two by January 2021 when more than 405,000 deaths were recorded. .
The disease has left some places on Earth untouched, with 6.7 million confirmed deaths globally. The WHO said the actual toll, which included the death toll from Covid-19 as well as the death toll as an indirect result of the outbreak, was likely closer to 15 million.
some pictures related to covid Death is forever burned in the collective mind of Americans: Refrigerated trucks outside hospitals are full of dead; intubated patients in sealed intensive care units; Tired doctors and nurses who battled every wave of the virus.
Millions of Americans eagerly rolled up their sleeves to receive COVID vaccines as distribution began in late 2020. By early 2021, the virus had already killed 500,000 people.
At one point in January of that year, on average more people died of Covid-19 every day than those killed in the September 11 attacks in 2001.
Covid-19 preyed on the elderly and those in poor health, but it did not spare even the healthy youth, taking the lives of more than 1,000 children. Researchers estimate that 213,000 American children lost at least one parent or primary caregiver during the pandemic, taking an immeasurable emotional toll.
Living in large cities, the coronavirus has also ravaged rural communities with limited access to medical care.
The pandemic had an adverse effect on native communities and communities of color. This affected even more places where people lived in congregation settings such as prisons, and destroyed entire families. It exposed deeply entrenched inequalities in American society and set off a wave of change affecting most aspects of life in the United States.
After the threat of Kovid-19 subsides omicron Like the wave of last winter, many Americans have shed masks and returned to offices in recent weeks. Restaurants and bars are once again full of patrons, and the public’s attention has shifted to inflation and economic concerns.
But researchers are already working on another booster shot as the virus continues to mutate.
“By no means is it over,” top US infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said at a recent event. “We are still facing a global pandemic.”
tracking the pandemic
Tracking the COVID-19 pandemic is not an exact science. Reuters and other organizations that make tallies are approaching 1 million US deaths at different times. The variation is due to how each organization calculates the number of Covid deaths. For example, Reuters includes both confirmed and probable deaths where that data is available.
The exact toll of the pandemic may never really be known. Some people who died while being infected were never tested and do not appear in the data. Others, while having COVID-19, may have died from some other cause, such as cancer, but were still counted.
The CDC estimates that since February 1, 2020, there have been 1.1 million more deaths, primarily from Covid. The higher mortality rate is the increase in the total number of deaths due to any cause compared to previous years.