Covid Takes Toll On Christmas As Santa Goes Missing Across America

Saints have gone missing across America this Christmas due to the Covid pandemic.

The International Brotherhood of Real Beard Santas (IBRBS), the organization that represents Santa in the US, said 55 of its saints died this year, The Independent reported.

Across America, Christmas takes on a different form this year, with fewer Santas greeting people on the streets. While some saints have died, the closure of malls due to increase in cases is another reason.

The International Brotherhood of Real Beard Santa (IBRBS), the organization that represents Santa in the US, said 55 of its saints died this year, The Independent reported.

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Other groups also reported deaths due to the pandemic and the old age of their saints.

Santa Last Ride founder Carlo Klemm said he was aware of 330 Santa deaths this year and called it “the little tip of the iceberg.”

Stephen Arnold, founder of IBRBS, said that about 1,900 saints associated with the organization were at high risk of covid or were generally unwell.

“Santa and Mrs. Claus are usually fat people. Most of us are fat. Many of us have diabetes, many of us may have heart conditions or bad kidneys or whatever, Stephen Arnold said.

Carlo Klemm said the death rate among Santas was high due to Covid-19.

IBRBS and other associations saw a 20 per cent increase in demand for 2021 despite several cancellations.

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“None of our Santas were comfortable going back to the way they used to be,” said Lando Luther, owner of the “Santa Experience” at the Mall of America.

“It doesn’t matter to them spitting or urinating, Kovid-19 is a matter of concern,” he said.

This year, Christmas celebrations took a backseat around the world amid the threat of a rapidly rising Omicron cases.

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