Covid: UK drug regulator approves Valneva Covid-19 vaccine for adult use – Times of India

London: UK Medicine Regulator approved on Thursday valneva as a new vaccine to protect from covid -19, the first full-virus inactivated COVID vaccine to receive regulatory approval in the country.
drugs and Health care The Product Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said that it is the first in the world to approve the Valneva vaccine, becoming the sixth COVID-19 vaccine to receive MHRA authorization.
With this type of vaccine, the virus is grown in a laboratory and then completely inactivated so that it cannot infect cells or replicate in the body but still have immunity to the COVID-19 virus. to trigger a response.
“Our approval of the Covid-19 vaccine made by Valneva today follows a rigorous review of the safety, quality and effectiveness of this vaccine and expert advice from the Government’s independent scientific advisory body, the Human Medicines Commission,” said Dr. June RhineMHRA Chief Executive.
Like the Oxford/AstraZeneca and Pfizer/BioEntech vaccines used in the UK, Valneva is designed to be given as two doses. The vaccine is approved for use in people 18 to 50 years of age, with the first and second doses being taken at least 28 days apart. The process used in the Valneva vaccine is already widely used in the production of flu and polio vaccines.
“Independent Commission on Human Medicines and its COVID-19 Experts” working group Having carefully considered the available evidence, we are pleased to say that we have advised that the benefit-risk balance is positive,” said Professor Sir. he said Munir PeermohammedChairman of the Independent Commission on Human Medicine.
“Each type of vaccine has a different pattern of antibody response over time. For the Valneva vaccine, two doses are needed before a strong antibody response can begin. This means that people will need to be made aware that Protection will start only after two doses.”
The storage temperature of Valneva vaccine is between 2 °C and 8 °C, similar to a home refrigerator. The MHRA says it is suitable for use in countries where storage at very low temperatures is not possible.
The vaccine is produced at the Vallneva factory in Livingston, near Edinburgh in Scotland. In trials, blood results from volunteers who received the jab had higher levels of neutralizing antibodies against the pandemic virus.
Some experts are hopeful that it is possible that by using the whole virus, rather than just the spike protein, the new vaccine may be more useful against emerging forms of COVID-19 in the future.