COVID: UK opens COVID boosters to over 30 in Omicron battle – Times of India

London: UK health officials said on Sunday that booking for this covid Booster vaccines will be open to all people aged 30 and over in England from Monday, one of the key actions aimed at combating the rapid spread. omicron Type of Kovid-19 in the country.
NHS England said there are around 7.5 million people aged 30 to 39, and 3.5 million of them are eligible for a booster. It comes as preliminary analysis shows booster The jabs are effective against the Omicron variant, the first cases of which are now leading to hospitalization.
No deaths have been reported from the variant in the UK yet, but experts warn it is set to take over from Delta as the leading coronavirus variant by the end of this year.
UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said: “The COVID-19 booster program is growing rapidly and more than 22 million people in the UK have received their top-up, securing critical protection before Christmas.”
“This is our national mission – the most recent data shows that boosters are an essential defense against Omicron and we are doing everything in our power to get into weapons as soon as possible. We are now extending the offer to more than 30 So please come forward as soon as you can and help your country lead the race with the variant.”
The expansion of the booster program follows updated advice from the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI), allowing millions more to book their third top-up dose. Bookings can be made two months before their second dose, which is one month before they are eligible to receive the jab – a gap of three months from the second dose by JCVI.
“Booster vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from this virus and new forms,” ​​the UK’s Vaccine Minister said. Maggi Group,
Dr Emily Lawson, head of NHS COVID, said: “With the emergence of the new version and the increasing number of cases, there has never been a more important time to promote. So when it’s your turn, come ahead and book.” 19 vaccination programme, which called on people to help volunteer as “vaccinators” for the National Health Service’s (NHS) vaccination programme.
UK Health Protection Agency (UKHSA) warned that the sheer weight of the number of people known to be infected with Omicron means it will find unvaccinated or people who have a poor immune response to the vaccine.
“It is now a race between the booster and that security and the Omicron version,” said UK Education Secretary Nadim Zahawi.
“We are already over 20 million (booster jabs). We are now racing to get all adults who are eligible for their booster jab, to be given boosters as soon as possible,” he said.
On Saturday, the UK recorded another 54,073 Covid-19 infections, including 633 from the Omicron version.
