Cow or Horse – What do you see after staring at this red circle for 3 seconds?

Last Update: May 07, 2023, 10:00 IST

This optical illusion was allegedly created by Jack O’Neill. (Photo: Instagram)

The viral picture has left many wondering whether it is just a red spot.

Time and time again, the Internet presents us with opportunities to solve optical illusions as a favorite pastime. From detecting personality traits and testing IQ to deceiving peripheral vision, these optical illusions are one of the most fascinating pursuits to captivate the human mind. And they are all over the internet. Some make us see things differently than in reality while others show us things that are not even present in the picture. One such intriguing optical illusion has taken the internet by storm. And all it asks you to do is focus inside a circle and describe what you see.

The picture was shared by an Instagram page called Optical Illusion with the caption “Comment what you see with emoji!” The image shows a large red circle with the words “Kuch dekha? Calm your mind and look at this red circle. The picture now going viral has left many people wondering that it is just a picture. But in fact, the red circle is an eye test, allegedly created by Jack O’Neill on Playbuzz. According to the test, while many people can see an image inside the red circle, some will not be able to detect anything in it. So start your test now. Focus right in the middle of that red circle and see what you see.

Were you able to see any animal or could not see anything? Well, anyway, you weren’t alone. As myriad users took part in this viral optical illusion, they flooded the comments section with their answers. Several users claimed they saw an image of a “horse” among the red circles, which is the correct answer, as the red circle contains an image of a horse wearing a saddle and standing in the grass.

Many people kept naming different animals such as “cow”, “dog”, “lion” and even “donkey”, which could be a trick to their eyes and they equated the horse with these animals. The image is misunderstood.

However, several users claimed that they could not see any images. One wrote, “I’m confused” and another commented: “Nothing.”

Were you able to see the animal in the red circle?

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