Crunches Vs Situps: Which is the Better Exercise for a Toned Body

If you are aiming for toned abs then sit-ups and crunches are two important exercises that are a part of the workout regime. Classified as mid-body exercises, both exercises are essential for performing on your abs day, but when it comes to choosing which one is better, the answer may not be a simple choice. Both exercises work for the body in different ways, and each exercise can have different effects on your body. So, we bring you all the details of sit-ups and crunches, leaving the decision up to you.

Sit ups

They are classic abdominal exercises, performed by lying on your back and lifting your torso. When performing this exercise, individuals use body weight to strengthen and tone the abdominal core stabilizing muscles. Sit ups promote good posture by working your lower back and gluteal muscles.

With a comparatively large range of motion, situps target more muscles than static core exercises and crunches, making them an ideal addition to a fitness program. Your core strength will improve, so this is one of the biggest motivations for doing situps. When your core is strong, tight and toned, your risk of back pain and injury also decreases. Sit-ups help improve muscle strength and endurance in athletes, and along with your posture and flexibility, it also shapes your body to strike balance and stability.


Crunches are another classic core exercise that helps you build a strong core and define the abdominal muscles, also known as the ‘abs’. There are a total of 4 types of crunches basic crunches, which target your rectus abdominus, cycle crunches – this target your oblique muscles along with the rectus abdominus. The other two are the reverse crunch and the crossover crunch, while the former targets the rectus abdominus, transverse abdominals and obliques, the crossover crunch focusing on shaping the rectus abdominus and oblique muscles. A strong core and better posture are the two major benefits of doing crunches. It also helps you burn some calories and reduces lower back pain.


For those who want to work the abdominal muscles, crunches are a better option for you because they isolate and exercise the core muscles. Crunches specifically target the abs, while sit-ups target multiple muscles, including the neck and hip flexors. Since crunches don’t require any extra support, and people are less likely to make mistakes when doing them—they’re a better exercise for beginners. The risk of spinal cord injury is higher when doing sit-ups as compared to crunches. For beginners who want six pack abs, crunches are clearly a popular choice.

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