Cycle rally in Salem marks the Wildlife Week celebration

A cycle rally was taken out here on Sunday as part of the Wildlife Week celebrations.

A. Periyasamy, Conservator of Forests, Salem Circle flagged off the rally from sandalwood depot at Hastampatti in the presence of District Forest Officer R.Goutham and other senior officers.

The rally ended at Chevroyan South Range Office via Hastampatti, Five Roads, New Bus Stand, Anna Park, Government Arts College. More than 50 members of Salem Randoners Cycling Club and Salem Trekking Club participated.

Shri Gautam said that Wildlife Week is celebrated every year during the first week of October to create awareness on the importance of wildlife. He said that various programs including essay writing, speech, logo designing competition have been planned for school and college students till October 8 in the district. Awareness programs will also be organized at Kurumbapatti Zoological Park.


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