Cyprus: British woman files appeal against Cyprus’ ‘fake rape’ conviction – Times of India

Nicosia: British woman convicted of falsely claiming gang rape in UK Cyprus Has filed an appeal for the island Supreme courtTrying to clear my name.
The woman received a suspended four-month prison sentence in January 2020 in a case that raised concerns Britain and activists about his treatment by the Cypriot authorities.
Defendant’s lawyers, who cannot be named for legal reasons, and prosecutors presented their arguments before a three-bench Supreme Court in the capital Nicosia on Thursday.
The court is expected to deliver the verdict within six months.
A 19-year-old woman at the time filed a complaint in July 2019 that she was raped by a group of Israeli youths at the holiday resort. ayia napas. The complaint was withdrawn a few days later, which led to his arrest and subsequent conviction for public mischief.
She says that she withdrew her complaint after hours of police interrogation and without the present pressure of a lawyer.
“The case is an important one for the protection of human rights in Cyprus as well as the treatment of those who report sex crimes,” said Michael Pollack, director of a UK-based Justice Abroad advocacy group assisting a local defense team.
Twelve Israeli youths were taken into custody for questioning, but were immediately released after the woman withdrew her charge.
He was not required to provide any evidence in the woman’s trial as the case focused on whether the woman had misled the authorities and made a false statement rather than the alleged rape.
The British government later said it had “many concerns” about the judicial process and women’s right to a fair trial. The woman was not present at Thursday’s procedure.


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