Daily omicron cases in the UK more than tripled to more than 10,000; death toll rises to seven

A total of 90,418 infections have also been reported, as the UK’s COVID-19 daily death toll stood at 125

10,000. more than new omron cases Highest daily surge ever reported in the UK, as Total number of COVID-19 infections remained above 90,000 cases.

The UK Health Protection Agency (UKHSA) confirmed an additional 10,059 cases on Saturday with the new version, three times more than on Friday (3,201), bringing the total number of cases to 24,968.

A total of 90,418 infections have also been reported, as the UK’s number of COVID-19 daily deaths stood at 125, up from Friday’s count of 111 but down on the 132 reported last Saturday.

death toll from omicron version Jumped from one to seven. “We have shown as the government in dealing with this pandemic that we will do what is necessary, but it must be supported by data,” UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said in reference to the reports. Lockdown restrictions due to Omicron surge.

“We are looking at the data and discussing it on an almost hourly basis with our scientists and our best advisors. We will monitor and review the situation very carefully.”

Ministers have received a briefing on the latest COVID-19 data and a meeting of the Cabinet Office briefing room will hold an emergency committee over the weekend to assess whether further measures are to be taken.

“I think that if new restrictions are brought in, and by the way, it is inevitable, there should be a huge package of financial support for our hospitality, culture and retail sectors,” said London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who “a The big event” declared” to help tackle the city’s massive surge in coronavirus cases in the UK capital.

“I am afraid that in the last few days we have seen a huge surge of omicrons. Although the number of people hospitalized is less than last year, including those on ventilators, the number of positive cases is much higher. The last 24 In hours, we have about 30,000 new cases confirmed, and in the last seven days, more than 130,000 new cases have been confirmed. Hence, the direction of travel is going only one way,” he warned.

The current Plan B rules for England may include Covid passes for some events, face-masks in more locations and urging people to work from home.

Other parts of the United Kingdom have similar rules, but Scotland has asked people to limit social contact to three homes at a time before Christmas.

Wales has also ordered nightclubs to close after Christmas from 27 December.

Meanwhile, the National Health Service (NHS) said it had given 4 million booster-shots this week, recording a week-on-week jump in booster-shots of more than two-thirds as staff and volunteers ” accelerated”. Now” campaign to tackle the Omicron version.

From Monday, the day after announcing a new national mission to offer booster-shots to all adults by the end of December, the NHS said it was “working flatly” to increase appointments and walk-ins across the country. Is”.

Recent data from the UKHSA suggests that two doses of the vaccine are not enough to fire against the Omicron variant, but that one booster significantly increases protection.

Three-quarters of eligible people over 40 in England have now received their booster-shots, according to the latest NHS figures, with the number rising to more than eight in 10 for people over the age of 50.
