data | Omicron variant BA.2 and its sub-lineage responsible for latest COVID-19 surge

Daily average cases in the US near 1.2 million on July 1 – the highest among all countries – a 12% increase from a fortnight ago

Daily average cases in the US near 1.2 million on July 1 – the highest among all countries – a 12% increase from a fortnight ago

In at least 93 countries, the average number of new COVID-19 cases is increasing. We Leading the list with a seven-day average of new cases touching nearly 1.2 lakh cases till July 1, an increase of 12% from a fortnight ago. Italy and Brazil have registered more than 100% increase in cases a fortnight ago. However, the severity of the cases seems to be decreasing in this wave. The share of patients in ICUs is relatively lower than what we saw in previous waves in select high-burden countries. in most countries, BA.2 sub-version omicron Still the major sub-version is responsible for most of the cases. Except in the US, at least 50% of the population has received their booster shots in other high-burden countries.

cases creeping up again

The chart shows the average number of new cases as of July 1 and the % change from a fortnight ago. Germany, for example, reported an average of 88,788 new cases on July 1, a 55% increase from a fortnight ago.

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minor Threat?

The chart shows the number of ICU patients as a share of total hospitalized patients in select high-burden countries. The share of ICU patients due to the new wave of COVID-19 infections is lower than in previous waves. This indicates a low severity of the infection

types of anxiety

The table shows the share of Omicron lineages and sub-lineages responsible for COVID-19 cases in India and select countries. BA.2 and its sub-lineages are responsible for the majority of infections in the ongoing wave

booster progress

This graph shows COVID-19 vaccine boosters administered per 100 people in India and in select countries. In other countries, except the US, at least 50% of the population has received a booster dose.

Source: Our World,

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