Date of this day Guru Purnima, Tithi Tithi and Shubh Muhurta

Festival 2022: This time Guru Purnima July 13

special things

  • Vayan k to food from rabaut se dosh dosh dosh dosh dosh doo dosh doshas doshas doshas
  • The product of gravity has to be handled.
  • The coincidence of yoga is happening on the full moon day of Ashadha.

Guru Purnima Date 2022: The date of completion of each Guru has been fixed. This day will be on 13th this time. It is necessary for life to be better. There is also a tradition of Guru in Sanatan Dharma. It is with the wife that is the way of salvation. Auspicious time and worship method of Guru Purnima, qualities of special importance in life.

this also further

Guru Purnima Tithi Auspicious Muhurta | Guru Purnima Shubh Muhurta and Worship Method 2022

The date bar of the Panchang, the date of the month of Ashadh, will end on July 13 at 04:00 am on July 14 at 12:06 pm. So management mainly in India on July 13th.

Auspicious Yoga on Guru Purnima Auspicious Yoga of Guru Purnima

At this time, do Indradhyaya at 12:45. There is also Poorvasha Nakshatra till 11.18. Such can check this day. On the day of Guru Purnima, Raja Yogas like Shash, Rochak, Hans and Bhadra are also being formed. This time.

Guru Purnima Puja Method | Guru Purnima Worship Method

– Vaimanika Maharishi will change to date in the same date as Veda.

– Good for health The condition of taking care of Vishnu (Lord Vishnu) at the birth of a man. Glad that it is like worshiping Lord Vishnu.

On this day the worship of Lakshmi (Maa Lakshmi Puja) is also very good. On this day Vishnu Vishnu gets a pleasant and pleasant experience of Panchamrit. Along with this, it is also okay to have bhog together.

On this day, Goddess Lakshmi gets special blessings from the bhog. Not only this, by feeding a cow on this day, many types of defects are eliminated.

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