‘Dead Space Remake’ game review: A spectacularly sinister upgrade of a classic

Dead Space Remake | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

‘In space, no one can hear you scream’: this tagline from earlier Foreigner The film has spawned horror stories across all mediums. The Dead Space series is one such derivative in gaming. Launched in 2008, the original is still cool with its revolutionary “disintegration” gameplay and dark industrial setting. The classic gets a remake as it gets a graphic upgrade.

You play as Issac Clarke who, along with his crew, intercepts a distress call from his girlfriend, Nicole Brennan. Their repair vessel, the USS Kellion (assigned to USG Ishumura), is taken over by an unknown force that turns the crew into monsters. Isaac tries to save himself and his surviving comrades and tries to find out the truth behind the loss of the Ishimura.

dead space remake

Developer: Inspiration

Publisher: electronic Arts

worth: ₹4499 on PS5, ₹4499 on Xbox and ₹3499 on PC

dead Space borrows elements from resident Evil 4, system shock And Apocalypse, The game portrays a dystopian future where humanity has become a planet-destroying crisis. As you explore the vast, claustrophobic spaceship, you discover little-known stories of what happened to the crew through holographic videos and terrifying messages written in blood as necromorph monsters block your every move .

Remake gives you more context. As someone who has played the original game many times, this expanded system shockThe description of the genre is satisfactory.

You quickly realize that guns don’t work on necromorphs. Therefore, you need to rely on Isaac’s mining background. A weaponized mining laser and stasis field help slow enemies down by apparently tearing off their limbs. Later you get to use telekinesis to blast, cut, and see enemies, which makes for some gory but fun moments.

The remake recreated the interiors of the Ishimura – adding a level of detail and atmosphere dead Space Looks like a new game. The textures, atmospheric lighting, and other visual elements greatly improve the game.

As expected, the gameplay is interesting, switching between different weapons to take care of the monsters that never stop moving towards you, even when your limbs are cut off. The jump scare is sudden – you have to recover fast enough to dodge the danger. The atmosphere and lighting make this game perfect. For those with surround sound headphones or an Atmos system, the audio design is cinema quality and brings home the horror.

For fans of the original, dead space remake The perfect excuse to jump and play. You’ll be amazed at how different this game is with all the same feel. For those new to the series, this is a step in the right direction to bring the game to a new generation of gamers.