Deaf British man found out he’s had a bud in his ear for five years

Wallace Lee believed that his hearing problems were due to a rugby injury.

An elderly British man’s hearing was restored after it was discovered that a piece of an old earbud had been stuck in his ear for five years.

According to BBCWallace Lee, from Weymouth in Dorset, put his hearing problems down to a career working in the noisy aviation industry or old rugby injuries. He decided to visit a doctor after purchasing a home endoscope kit, which revealed a small white object. Mr Lee said he was overjoyed and it was an “immediate relief” when the unusual blockage was finally removed.

Mr. Wallace Lee is 66 years old and a former Navy Engineer. They believe the object was stuck during the plane journey.

Royal Navy veteran told BBC“Five years ago, when I went to visit my family in Australia, I bought these little earplugs that you can put in different attachments depending on what noise you’re trying to reduce from the plane. want. One of these little attachments was lodged there and it was there ever since.”

Mr. Wallace and his wife began to worry that he was becoming deaf as a result of his progressive hearing loss. He bought a home endoscopic kit, which helped him see a small white object in his ear.

After that, Mr. Wallace visited an ear, nose, and throat surgeon, who was able to remove the offending object.

“The doctor tried to suck it up at first, but it didn’t move at all because it had been there for a long time with a buildup of earwax,” Mr. Lee explained.

“So he got these miniature tweezers, which he put this other tube into the ear canal … I could actually feel him, and all of a sudden it popped.

“Instantly I could hear everything in the room. The fog that had been in my head for all those years was gone and gone, and I could hear perfectly well.

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