Dealing with a sleep disorder? Here are 5 ways to beat insomnia:

New Delhi: Is it difficult for you to sleep at night even after working long hours and being tired? Well, it could be due to insomnia. Insomnia is a condition in which one cannot sleep and/or cannot sleep for long periods of time. Simply put, it is a sleep disorder. Here are some effective remedies to fight insomnia.

dark lighting

It is easier to fall asleep when it is dark because bright light can make it difficult for you to sleep. To avoid any kind of light, use sleep masks, blinds that can keep you awake all night. Do not use your mobile and other gadgets before sleeping.


Meditation is a magic if you want to deal with this sleep disorder. It helps you with stress, anxiety, overthinking and depression which is the primary cause of depression. Meditating before sleeping can calm your mind and thus help you enjoy a sound sleep.

workout everyday

30 minutes of exercise daily can improve the condition of people with insomnia. Do any fitness workout regularly but avoid exercising before sleeping, sitting has a stimulating effect.

sleep environment

Make sure you are sleeping in a noise free environment. Avoid sleeping with pets and near snorers. Also, get yourself a comfortable mattress that will not harm your body.

eat on time

Try to have your meal at least three hours before bedtime. It removes digestive issues that may be the reason for you to wake up at night. Limit your caffeine, nicotine and alcohol intake.