Debate heats up on Brahmapuram land

Congress demands a special meeting of Kochi Corporation Council to discuss the statement of the Mayor

The plea of ​​the Kochi Corporation to take back the land purchased at Brahmapuram from the state government has not gone down well with a section of civic representatives.

The matter came to light when Mayor M. Anilkumar placed the request before the state finance minister the next day.

Listing out the city projects for which the civic body has sought budgetary support from the state government, Mr. Anil Kumar asked the Finance Minister to initiate measures to take back the land and do away with the practice of deducting the cost of land from the allocated annual plan funds. requested. to the civic body.

Every year, a significant amount is deducted from the annual fund released to the civic body to recover the money paid by the state government to purchase land. During the period of construction of the first waste treatment plant at Brahmapuram, the state government acquired the holdings near the plant site after residents complained of foul smell and insect infestation. Mr. Anilkumar said that the state government has spent about ₹ 100 crore for land acquisition.

After the deduction made from the plan fund, the municipal body is left with very little money for development activities in the city. He said that holding in Brahmapuram has become a burden and a liability for the civic body.

The Mayor had earlier written to the Chief Minister and the Minister of Local Self-Government demanding steps to take back the land.


Congress leader in the council Antony Kurithara objected to the mayor’s public statement.

A special meeting of the Kochi Corporation Council should be convened to discuss the Mayor’s statement regarding the Brahmapuram land. The mayor has been taking unilateral decisions on matters related to waste management in the city. Although the councilors had demanded to convene a special session of the council to discuss the issues related to waste management, but the mayor did not pay heed to it. He said that it is unfair for the mayor to take personal decisions on the matters governing the civic body.

The mayor will not take decisions on important matters without discussion in the corporation council. He said the civic body may require the land for future projects.