Decoding betrayal

Sukant Goel and Abir Abrar in the play
| Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Betrayal stirs up different kinds of feelings in all human beings. Directed by Rachel D’Souza, Harold Pinter’s play by the same name is set to land on Delhi stage today. An Aadyam Theatre production, the play intricately weaves the lives of Robert, Emma, and Jerry – in a triangle of love. As the narrative moves backward in time, the audience is privy to more information than the characters on stage, engaging them in an active and contemplative role.

A complex web of emotions emerges as Jerry, despite having a wife and children, finds himself falling in love with Robert’s wife, Emma. Sukant Goel, who plays Jerry, says the play is a mix of tragedy and unexpected humor. “The audience already knows what’s going to happen but there’s no way to stop it. It’s tragic in that sense but also funny because the characters behave or respond in the most unexpected ways.”

Sukant’s portrayal of Jerry, a man of words who appears nonchalant, yet seeks control over every facet of his life and lends an intriguing layer to the character dynamics.

Sukant Goel, Abir Abrar and Vivek Gomber in the play

Sukant Goel, Abir Abrar and Vivek Gomber in the play
| Photo Credit:
Special Arrangement

Though set in the 1960s, the story’s emotional resonance is relevant and reminds us about the importance of love and friendship and the consequences of our choices. “If you have loved, you’ll understand love, if you’ve had a friend, you’ll understand friendship and what it is to break it; what it is to be there on the day when it crumbles because of something you’ve done”, says Sukant.

“It was fun to bring out the humor in what is actually a very tragic scenario”, says Rachel.

Collaborating with musicians and sound engineers, Rachel has crafted a unique auditory experience, adding depth and resonance to the overall impact of the play. “When Sukant asked, I said yes to the play before even reading the script because I love Sukant’s work and I was very keen on collaborating with him”, says Abir Abrar, who plays Emma

The play taps into human emotions, exploring the fragility of bonds and the aftermath of betrayal. Through the lens of betrayal, it invites the audience to reflect on the intricacies relationships and the fall-out.

At the Little Theatre Group (LTG) Auditorium, Copernicus Marg; August 25 and 26, 7.30pm; August 27, 4pm and 7.30pm