Defense Minister to attend diamond jubilee celebrations of Chetak helicopters

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh will be the chief guest at a special conference of the Air Force Station, Hakimpet and Training Command of the Indian Air Force (IAF) to mark the golden jubilee celebrations of the induction of Chetak helicopters at the National Industrial Security Academy. Convention Center in Secunderabad on 2nd April.

The conclave will also be attended by Chief of the Air Staff VR Choudhary, senior retired and serving officers from helicopter streams of the three services and officials from the Ministry of Defence, Indian Coast Guard and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. The objective of the meeting is to showcase the six decades of helicopter operations in the country, especially highlighting Chetak helicopter operations.

It will feature reflections, narrations and discussions by key speakers from the veteran community and services. A press release informed that the development of helicopter operations powered by technology and future battlefield imperatives will also be discussed.