Delay in completion of UGD works makes roads inaccessible for residents

The roads dug two years ago to lay underground drainage pipes have deteriorated due to rain and re-excavation

The roads dug two years ago to lay underground drainage pipes have deteriorated due to rain and re-excavation


The day after a night of rain is the most dangerous for Ward 4 residents, especially those on Park Town’s 3rd and 4th streets.

“It is an expanding area, and houses are coming slowly. The residents who come here are hopeful that someday good roads will be built, but the future looks bleak,” said fourth street resident N.K. Balabubramaniam said.

The roads dug for laying underground drainage pipes about two years ago have deteriorated due to rain and re-excavation. Since the rough roads are used by heavy vehicles, they leave potholes on the muddy ground causing water to accumulate in the puddles. He said that when DMK councilor K. Nandini visited the ward before the election, promising quick action to relay the roads, but since then she has not set foot in the area.

Another resident MS Balamurgan said that 30 cars got stuck in the mud after the heavy rain last month. “On the next road my friend had to spend a lot to repair his vehicles. Nowadays if it rains, I leave my car half a kilometer away and walk home,” he said. Another resident, S Mohammad Shah, said he did the same.

Another issue plaguing the residents is that auto-rickshaws refuse to come into the area citing bad and bad roads. A mother-daughter duo, 60-year-old M. Rajeshwari and 35-year-old S Geeta said they were walking 500 meters from their home, where an auto was waiting to take them to the hospital. “This was the case last week as well. I am scared to even go to the hospital,” Ms Rajeshwari said.

B Ram Niwas, a 14-year-old boy has to walk long distances to catch his school bus. “Many rainy days I had to drop out of school because of this issue. Also I don’t cycle anymore,” he said.

“The lorries supplying water will stop coming as the road will become rocky. Those who do not have RO water purifiers depend on neighbors who have a house,” said Mr. Balasubramaniam.

But for Francis Thomas, an e-commerce platform’s delivery agent has no choice but to take a risky and bumpy ride, rain or shine. He said that he has fallen several times, unable to balance his large baggage of parcels due to bumpy and non-existent roads.

When asked, Assistant Engineer P. Solaimalai UGD has completed the work in four colonies, while it is going on in Muthmis Nagar, Karuppasamy Nagar, Vivekananda Avenue and Park Town.

Roads were dug repeatedly to lay two additional pipelines for feeder and water supply lines, so he noted the delay. Zone I president S Vasuki said, “We have identified the main roads in the list sought for the turif fund, and the remaining roads will be funded by the MLA Area Development Fund soon.” given to homes.

What is in the middle of this process, which will probably take some time to complete, is the upcoming monsoon season, which raises the fear of ruining the region.