Delhi government inducts two robots to douse the fire; All you need to know

The Delhi government has inducted robots to put out fires in the city that would be capable of extinguishing fires in narrow streets, warehouses, basements, stairways and forests and entering places like oil and chemical tankers and factories. The city government said the robots would be able to release high water pressure at a rate of 2,400 liters per minute.

This comes days after a massive fire broke out at a factory in Mundka last week. 27 people died in this incident.

“For the first time such remote control robots have been brought in the country which are capable of controlling fire remotely. At present, the Delhi government has included 2 such robots, if the test is successful, then more such robots will be included Fleet,” said Delhi Home Minister Satyendar Jain.

Jain said a wireless remote is connected to the robot which is capable of controlling the water spray. robots Brought from Austrian company.

The robot has an army tank-like tracking system, through which these robots can easily climb stairs. It has a 140 horsepower engine.

The sensor and camera are installed in the front part of the robot. The sensor will go near the fire and release water according to the temperature there.

The robot has cameras which can take stock of the situation inside the building etc. This will make it easier to find out whether a person is trapped inside or not.

A pipe will be installed in the rear of the robot so that it can draw water from tankers parked outside and sprinkle water all around. With this, the fire can be brought under control in less time without any risk.

It also comes with a ventilation fan which can be used to keep the machine cool.

“The fire incident that took place in the PVC market of Tikri Kalan a few months back was controlled with the help of these robots,” Jain said.

the firefighters Delhi Fire Service Special training has also been given to operate the robot and a separate SOP has also been prepared which will be followed to douse the fire.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that induction of such capable robots will help reduce collateral damage and save precious lives.

Kejriwal tweeted, “Our government has procured remote controlled fire extinguishers. Our brave firefighters can now douse the fire from a safe distance up to a maximum of 100 metres. This will help reduce collateral damage and save precious lives.” Will get it.”

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